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"We strongly believe that every child has many unique gifts to share.  United by the Spirit, we assist students as they grow into their spiritual, academic, and personal best.  Our high quality, value based Catholic education will help our children learn and follow the teaching of Jesus Christ as we bring about the Kingdom of God."


*Watch our video about the benefits of a Catholic education.

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Letter to Parents


Dear Prospective Parent,

We are pleased that you are considering Saint Martin School in educating your child.  We are confident that Saint Martin, working in conjunction with parents, can provide your child with a solid   K-8 education that lays the foundation for success.


Saint Martin School has been educating children for over 100 years. We are proud to offer a rich tradition of academic excellence in a nurturing faith-filled community. Saint Martin School is committed to continuing its tradition of excellence by providing a quality Catholic education to our students. Along with our strong academic program, we empower our students to develop personal excellence and achieve their highest potential.

The faculty and staff of Saint Martin are excited to have the opportunity to work with such dynamic and talented students. We believe that every child has the right to learn in a safe and caring environment where high academic expectations, self-esteem, good character, healthy lifestyles, creativity, and an appreciation for the arts are promoted. We are thrilled and honored to make a difference in the lives of the world’s future leaders.

At this time, we are excited to provide you the opportunity to register your child for the upcoming school year. In order to register your son or daughter, please complete the following steps in the registration process:

• Complete the attached New Student Registration Form.

• Attach a copy of each new student’s birth certificate and baptismal certificate (if applicable) to the registration form.

• Submit pre-tuition payment of $50.00 per family (this does not apply to EdChoice students).

• Return all registration forms and fees to the school office. Please note: Late registrations may have to be put on a waiting list since some classes may reach a maximum class size.

Please feel free to contact the School Office with any questions or concerns you may have regarding the registration process. Thank you for entrusting your child’s education to us. We are looking forward to another exciting year at Saint Martin: a school you can have FAITH in.