iVote Catholic We are called to live our faith in all aspects of our lives. This provoking question requires much prayer and discernment from each of us. We acknowledge the difficulty of this question and the perceived alignment or misalignment of the candidates and issues with our Catholic faith. Our Church teaches a consistent ethic of life so we are called to be advocates for a variety of issues related to life and human dignity. Some have misinterpreted this teaching to convey that each related issue is morally equivalent. This is not the case. Some have misinterpreted this teaching to convey that one related issue could excuse indifference to the rest: this is not the case either. We have challenging work ahead of us! During this election season, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati will be offering prayers, scripture, quotes, family activities and discerning questions through the lens of the seven principles of Catholic Social Teaching to aid the discerning vote. We will not be telling you for whom or what to vote. We will be encouraging careful discernment, intentional prayer, and a universal call to holiness and compassion to inform your voting. Find out more at www.iVoteCatholic.org. Family, Community, and Participation iVoteCatholic: During this first week, we focus on the call to Family, Community and Participation. Our God is Trinity, three persons, one God. These three persons are in constant relationship with each other. Being created in the image of God, we too need to be in relationships. Each human person is not only sacred but also social. We must recognize and cherish the gift of belonging to our immediate family and wider family; the Church and society. The Church teaches that in order to fully belong to a family and community, participation is essential. We encourage you to ensure you and your family are registered to vote. Get informed and educated about the candidates and issues on the ballot. Our community calls us to participate not just for our own needs but for the larger whole of society. Voting is an actionable way to love and a tool to cultivate community.