The Catechism of the Catholic Church 1591-1593
Please contact Father Terry at the parish office if you have questions or believe you have a calling to the Priesthood or Diaconate or follow the links below to enter the Archdiocese of Cincinnati's Vocation Office web site. Priestly VocationA Priestly vocation is a call to lay down one’s life in service to Christ’s faithful. He is called to be a sign of Christ’s enduring presence to the Church and to the World, to lead the people in prayer, to teach and to sanctify, and to assist the laity in living out their call to holiness. In the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, priests serve as pastors of parishes, teachers at high schools, seminary professors, chaplains at prisons and hospitals; and various other roles. Learn MorePermanent DeaconsPermanent Deacons perform Ministries of the Word by proclaiming the Gospel at liturgy, catechetical instruction and evangelization. They often have a high visibility in the local church community as a result of the Ministries of the Liturgy which they undertake — Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals and assisting at Sunday Eucharist. The diaconate has been from ancient times primarily a Ministry of Love and Justice. Deacons can be found ministering to prisoners, the divorced, those who are addicted, the homeless and poor. The Permanent Diaconate is truly a blessing to the church and to our local communities and continues to grow and thrive with the help of the Lord. Learn More